5 Tips to Stay Motivated

Most people start their fitness journey with strong commitment and an unyielding determination to succeed.  But as the weeks progress, your motivation can start to wane and simply lacing up those sneaks can be a chore.

That was my story for years before I finally said enough is enough!  In November 2009, I’d had enough of yo-yo exercising and dieting and decided to commit to regular exercise for good.  I knew I needed to be held accountable so I wouldn’t slack off, so I joined a fitness message board and started checking in with my workouts daily.  On days when I didn’t feel like working out, I did it anyway because I knew my new online workout buddies were expecting to see me post.  Plus, my competitive spirit wouldn’t let me be the one to check in with an excuse for why I didn’t get my workout in.

A year and half later, I barely miss a workout and I’ve maintained my 37 pound weight loss and have traded in my size 12’s for a sleek size 4!  I workout 6 days a week at home using home fitness DVDs like Chalean Extreme and TurboFire.  I schedule my workouts on my calendar and give them the same importance I give all my other appointments.

Being accountable to myself and others is what keeps me motivated to stick to my workout regimen.  Here are 5 other tips that helped me stay motivated when I felt my resolve slipping away.  Good luck!!

Coach MaShelle, Beachbody Fitness and Nutrition Coach.

5 Tips to Get Motivated & Stay Motivated

1. Keep Your Workout Gear in Plain Sight

Keep your workout clothes and workout shoes next to your bed so you see them the minute you wake up.  For extra incentive, keep your exercise equipment in plain view placed strategically around the house.

2. Invite your Date

Dating can throw a monkey wrench in your working routine and diet.  Instead of the traditional dinner and a movie, invite your new honey to go on a hike at the local park or rent bikes and take a bike ride through your local nature trail.  While your “testing the waters”, this is a good way to see if the new guy or gal in your life will support your goal to stay healthy and fit.

3. Invest in more workout clothes.

You know how excited you are to sport that new outfit you just bought?  The same philosophy applies to your workout gear.  Having cute and fashionable workout clothes that accentuate your best body parts will give you extra incentive to lace up those sneaks! Make sure you have enough workout clothes for each day you plan to workout.  That way you always have something clean and readily available to get your workout on.

4. Stay Accountable with Social Media

Logging your workouts on Facebook or the Team Beachbody Message boards not only hold you accountable, it gives you an instant support team.  Your social network of friends and family will start cheering you on and hold you accountable if you start to slack off.  Studies show that people who have a strong support system are much more likely to stick with a diet and fitness plan than those who don’t.

5. Create your own Biggest Loser contest.

Creating your own Biggest Loser contest turns your personal fitness journey into a fun and competitive group challenge.  Through friendly competition, you’ll motivate each other to work harder to push towards your goals to see who can lose the most weight, earn bragging rights and clinch the final prize.  To keep it fair for those who may not have a lot of weight to lose, measure success by the highest percentage weight loss.  You can even get together for a group workout once a week at work, at the home of one of the challengers, or at a central location like a community rec center or your church.

Need more accountability and support?

Take advantage of my FREE online weekly coaching sessions exclusively for my Beachbody customers.

Contact me to get started on your way to reaching your goals!  Lets get JIGGLE FREE!

Written by Miko
Hello, gorgeous! My mantra is write my own story and design a life I love. My blog is the place to come for fitness and beauty inspiration. Visit my Amazon store for my fave fashion & beauty products that help me look and feel my innately fabulous best self.