The Life of a Single, 40 year old TK & Hip Hop Hustle Instructor – P90X Update

Good morning and Happy Easter!!

I’m soooo glad it’s finally Spring!  I moved to the South b/c I don’t like cold weather PERIOD! Now that it’s officially Spring, I’m looking forward to warmer weather and getting back to my hikes in the park.

Anyway…here’s an update on my P90X journey.  I just finished my 3rd week of P90X.  This week, I wasn’t as sore as I was in weeks 1 and 2 and I felt so STRONG during my weight lifting sessions! This week, I started lifting heavier weights and doing more reps. In my not so favorite Chest & Back workout, I even pushed the step further away for assisted pull-ups.   YAY!

Today I start week 4 which is the recovery week.  So no weight sessions just exercises that focus on flexibility and tightening up the core.  I’m not a big fan of the 90 minute yoga (geesh!) so I’ll do Core Synergistics followed by one of my flexibility workouts.

My nutrition has been really really good – meaning no junk food.  Well, I did have 2 cookies, but I was having a REALLY bad day that day, so I’m giving myself a pass!

But it’s time to get a bit more focused on what I’m putting in my body because I’m realizing the little things really start to add up.  So this week, I’m not using salt and I’m limiting dairy intake.  So I’m not using cheese this week and I’m switching from coffee to tea so I won’t be tempted to use my flavored (sugar free) coffee creamers (which I LOVE!).  And I’ll focus on getting in more protein.

So, until next week, have a happy Sunday!  I’ll keep you posted!

Written by Miko
Hello, gorgeous! My mantra is write my own story and design a life I love. My blog is the place to come for fitness and beauty inspiration. Visit my Amazon store for my fave fashion & beauty products that help me look and feel my innately fabulous best self.