3 Easy Ways to Rock an Afro Puff

This faux afro puff pony is such a quick and cute style on natural 4c hair. In this tutorial, I show 3 ways you can rock this look with ease! It’s perfect to wear just with your natural hair or with a large or small faux afro puff, depending on your mood.

This faux pony is one of my go-to styles when I don’t want to wear hair extensions or when I’m in between crochet styles. It’s a perfect way to let your natural hair (and edges!) breathe as you rock what God gave you!


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More Protective Styling Options

Looking for more protective styling options? Check out my workout proof hair tutorials for styles that will outlast any workout!

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Written by Miko
Hello, gorgeous! My mantra is write my own story and design a life I love. My blog is the place to come for fitness and beauty inspiration. Visit my Amazon store for my fave fashion & beauty products that help me look and feel my innately fabulous best self.