NEW ROUND ALERT! Turbo Kick 87

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Turbo Kick Round 87 is now LIVE at the Online Fitness Studio. This round is awesome and you guys are gonna love it!

About the Round…

The core is the focus of this round, so you’ll see a lot of new and signature moves that focus on core rotation. You’re gonna get in a lot of ab sculpting core work in addition to fat-burning cardio. Burn fat. Sculpt your abs…in the Jiggle Free Zone!

Get 50% off your first month!

use coupon code FIT50 at checkout

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Written by Miko
Hello, gorgeous! My mantra is write my own story and design a life I love. My blog is the place to come for fitness and beauty inspiration. Visit my Amazon store for my fave fashion & beauty products that help me look and feel my innately fabulous best self.