While surfing the web this morning, I saw a post from a lady with Type 2 Diabetes who says she’s tried everything and can’t lose weight. She said “I exercise 2-3 hours a day and eat right. I usually burn 700 to 900 calories daily and eat 1200 to 1250 daily.” Jiggle Free Zone, I hope you are not doing this! Please know that this is NOT healthy and is NOT enough calories for your body to function properly – let alone lose weight.
Severely restricting your calories is dangerous on many, many levels and completely robs you of energy. It’s no wonder you’re depressed, cranky and on an emotional roller coaster. Adding exercise to the mix further exacerbates the problem by burning away the few calories you’ve eaten. You cannot starve yourself skinny. It just doesn’t work. When you don’t eat enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and stores what you do eat to use as fuel later.