As a fitness instructor, I’m always super excited about the 1st of the year. My classes and every other instructor’s classes will be PACKED in January! I’m as equally disappointed to see attendance numbers start to dwindle back to normal by the end of February. As the excitement of the “new year, new me” resolutions fades, so many people settle back into their pre-New Year resolution routines – that don’t include exercise. I always want to reach out to them and say “Don’t give up! You’re so close the sweet spot!”
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Fitness Short on time? This 15 minute total body workout hits every muscle in just 15 minutes! I created this workout one morning when I wanted to do a total body workout but was short on time. This workout is short but effective!
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Tired of starting over? Stop quitting! Falling off the wagon doesn’t have to be devastating as long as you get back up! I’ve been there, so I’m speaking from experience.
I created my 365 Fitness Challenge group to help you and a team of women stick to consistent exercise and healthy eating for the full 365 days of 2017! Repetition becomes a habit, so if you exercise long enough and consistently enough, it soon becomes a habit you can’t break.
There are various reasons women are wary of lifting weights. The biggest fear and most prevalent myth is that weight lifting will make you bulky. As you can see from my before and after pic, the opposite is true. Women generally don’t have the hormonal makeup to “bulk up” like a man. Our bodies just aren’t built that way.
When I set out to lose weight in Nov 2009, weight lifting 3x a week (coupled with cardio several times a week) was a HUGE factor in helping me build lean muscle and lose fat – and I lost 4 dress sizes in the process! That’s why I’m a big proponent weight lifting for women. The benefits far outweigh our fears and not just from a physical stand point. As you will see in the article I found below, not only will weight lifting make your arms look fabulous in a sleeveless dress, it can help you live longer.
Hello, gorgeous! I'm Miko. My mantra is write my own story and design a life I love! I'm a content creator living in Atlanta.
This is my blog, where I post my hair, fashion and lifestyle tutorials and inspo. Be sure to visit my Amazon store for my fave fashion & beauty products that help you look and feel your innately fabulous best self! Let's get this glow up!
December 30, 2024 6:50 pm
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